
“My massage was excellent – loved the front/shoulder/neck and head. Most therapists these days are not as detailed in that area, [Cristy] was … She did a great job. She knew exactly where to put pressure and not. She asked me questions about pressure as well. One of the best massages I had in a long time.”
Nicole L.

“I wouldn’t change a thing. Wonderful! [The massage] has helped pain, stiffness and everything in between. Absolutely wonderful!”

“Massage fixes me. Thanks!”

“Overall, a very complete massage. Cristy has strong yet gentle hands. It more than met my expectations. This is a massage that some other professionals can’t do. It was the strength of massage that I needed, per my request. Very professional!”
Luisa P.

“My massage was fantastic! I really appreciated all of the pillows and towels used to make me comfortable. After explaining my trouble areas, Cristy focused on working on the tight muscles contributing to my problem. It was excellent!”
Ashley S.

“The massage exceeded my expectations. Pressure was great. I’ve never felt so relaxed and tension free! The best ever!
Ginnell H.

“Que Dios te bendige … que te bendige tus manos. Gracias! [“May God bless you, may He bless your hands. Thank you!”]”

“My therapist was both friendly and professional. As it was my first massage, I didn’t have a lot of expectations but I was relaxed and felt some tense spots I wasn’t even aware of to be relieved. The pressure was very comfortable throughout. I was completely satisfied with the massage. I wouldn’t change a thing.”
Stephen M.